About Blockchain 關於區塊鏈 Delicacy Diary of Teresa 貓女貪吃日誌

Taipei Meetup at TankQ Cafe 笑聲不斷的台北聚會影音版

Finally, I finish the editing of the Taipei meetup video.



The gathering was because the Thai steemian Mo traveled to Taiwan and would like to meet Taipei steemians. I chose a café named TankQ which I have never been to. I hope to surprise everyone, including me.
This café collects countless super cute dolls which are all famous characters. we dine in there as if we were in a cartoon world. Girls will definitely love the place soooooo much!!!!♥️?

Want to know more about the features of TankQ? I will introduce you in my upcoming post.
這次的聚會是因為泰國的steemian Mo來台灣旅遊,我選了一個連我自己都沒有去過的咖啡廳TankQ,希望能給所有人一個驚喜,包括我自己。happy04.gif


I saw a beautiful cafe on the way to TankQ, and I was going to find another reason to visit there. Does anyone want to go with me?

More about Taipei meetup:

Taipei Meetup with Friend from Thailand 歡迎來自泰國的朋友

Musikaffee – Steemit Taipei Meetup 聽見幸褔咖啡廳-Steemit台北聚會

The first major Taipei Steemit Meet-up 第一次Steemit台北大型聚會

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