About Blockchain 關於區塊鏈 Chat with Teresa 貓女碎碎念

SteemFest4 去或不去?

去年SteemFest3 在Krakow 舉行,看到很多朋友計畫成行,例如@travelgirl、@joythewanderer、@elizacheng、@jrvacation等,我真的很想羨慕也很想去。可是歐洲距離太遠,機票太貴,所以始終無法下決定。記得當時我們很多朋友還討論說,如果是辦在亞洲,肯定要去,不過大家都認為不太可能。despise05-1.jpg



興奮的是泰國對我來說,就是稍微有點小小距離的鄰居,很容易就可以過去了,這代表我能夠出席會議的可能性變得大很多。不安的是,我是否真的能突破所有的障礙,順利去參加SteemFest? 其中包括,時間上是否可以配合、會議的入場券並不便宜,要如何說服另一半將錢花在不知道有沒有未來的「投資項目」(現在steem的價格真的讓人很焦慮啊!)、如何克服自己的不自信,說服自己去參加全程使用英文的會議等等,阻礙也真的不少。cry18

兩個月前在台北的meetup,我們談到了曼谷的steemfest,大家想到要去曼谷都很興奮,甚至提議說可以大家一起訂airbnb住在一起,一定很好玩。@livinguktaiwan甚至說,it’s a girls’ holiday. 這句話對我有不小的吸引力哪!love10.gif


另外一個讓我認真考慮的理由是,這個月剛好是我加入Steemit兩週年,而我很驚喜地發現,我同時達到了repulation 70和3000 followers的里程碑。這麼多湊巧,感覺像是上天給我的一個啟示,讓我很難忽略Steemit在我心中的重要性。










When the SteemFest3 announced to be held in Krakow, many of my Steemit friends was planning to enroll, include @travelgirl、@joythewanderer、@elizacheng、@jrvacation and more. They share how they planned and prepared for SteemFest3 and share how wonderful it was after they attend the meeting. I am so envy and wished I was there too. It’s a pity that Europe is too far and the flight ticket is too expensive so that I finally didn’t go. I still remembered that we discussed at that time, most of my Asian friend says that if the SteemFest would hold in Asia, we will all go. But we all think it’s almost not possible.

When it was announced that the SteemFest4 will take place in Bangkok this year, I can hardly believe.
I am so excited and worried at the same time. Thailand is actually like a neighbor that I can easily fly there. That means I am so close to SteemFest this time. But I am still not 100% sure yet. There are still some obstacles for me. Can I arrange my work well and make time for it? The entry fee is quite expensive. Can I convince my husband that it’s worth to spend money on it when steem price is so low now? Can I overcome my unconfidence to attend an English basic conference? Gosh! I so hesitate

I still remembered that we have a meetup in Taipei two months ago. We talked about SteemFest4 in Bangkok. Everyone was so excited and talked about to live in a hotel together so that we can chat for the whole night. @livinguktaiwan said that we can take it as a girls’ holiday. It’s really a great attraction for me!

I have joined Steemit for exactly two years this month. And I just notice that I reach the milestone of reputation 70 and 3000 followers at the same time now. It’s really a strong sign for me that I can hardly ignore it.

I have made big progress on Steemit for this year.
For the first year on Steemit, I spent a lot of time to read posts and comments on CN district in order to make friends. I really don’t have enough time to review English posts at that time. I did make many friends and meet some of them face to face.
For the second year, I force myself to walk out my comfort zone and make friends from all over the world by involving some great communities so that I have more opportunities to contribute myself to Steemit.

First, I become the ambassador of @Fundition. I really love Fundition because it’s a place to help people accomplish their dream and make the world better. I translate a lot of announcements and tutorials for them and know a lot of excellent people who are kind and willing to help others.
Then I have the chance to get the position of @nTOPAZ curator and finally become the curator leader of Audiovisual Art. I am a computer animator and artist. I am so happy to see so many great artworks every day on Steemit. I think @nTOPAZ provide a wonderful place where the artists can share their artworks and get supported.
Recently, I become the curator of @OCD. It’s even a bigger responsibility that I have to search for high-quality undervalued posts. It includes all kinds of categories, not only art posts. Ocd is a great community with high prestige on Steemit. It’s a great supportive power for newcomers. I learn a lot from their healthy voting rules and the ability to solve the problem quickly. Of course, It depends on the wisdom of the leaders and the close relationships of curators who help each other all the time.
I know more great people on these communities which make me have a stronger motivation to go SteemFest4 so that I may have the chance to meet old friends @livinguktaiwan, @travelgirl, @jrvation, @waybeyondpadthai and new friends, such as @anomadsoul, @veryspider, @acidyo.

I have seen the contest which supported by @actifit and @blocktrades that you may have the chance to win entry tickets if you can reach 15000 steps on the actifit app on each weekend. I try to work out at Gem for about 1 hour and get less than 5000 steps.
It’s really too difficult for people seldom exercise like me. Well, I hope that there will be other chances to win entry tickets later.


❤️Love from Catwomanteresa love11.gif
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